Band Outreach Program Information Portal
Welcome to your source for everything band, St. Paul Lutheran and Creekside! Below you will find everything you need to know to plan, prepare, and sign up for band at your school! If, however, there is anything missing, be sure to reach out!

Class Structure
Mrs. Dekker follows the 'rounded' band day:
Questions over previous material/literature
Scale material
Song literature
New material (theory and/or songs)
Song literature

Please have your new band member pick out an instrument, and rented/purchased ideally before the beginning of school, but definately before the first day of class.
Rentals: As of right now the only place to (locally) rent instruments is Haggerty's MusicWorks - although BHSA is currently working on a grant for this, it is not currently available here.
Hand-Me-Down Instruments and Pawn Shop Instruments: Although these can be a blessing, please make sure they are in playable condition. There is nothing worse than getting frustrated as a beginner - and especially if you're doing everything right and it still doesn't sound right!
Walmart/Target/Amazon Instruments: Although cheaper, Mrs. Dekker and her band director friends have never met one they've liked!

Method Book
We will begin with the Standards of Excellence Book 1 (in the instrument chosen). It is red!
Please know we will be supplementing with other handouts and concert material, but it is important for each student to have their own copy.

Days & Time
Creekside Christian School:
Mondays and Wednesdays
11:10 to 12:05
St. Paul Lutheran School:
Tuesdays and Thursdays
2:15 to 3:10

Which Instrument to Choose?
Please watch this video put together by The United States Army Band where they demonstrate instruments so you may get a better idea of what each instrument sounds like, what genres of music they typically perform, and how each instrument is played.
A few notes:
Must begin on Clarinet if ultimate goal is a double reed (Oboe or Bassoon).
Larger instruments take a LOT of air and are a lot to carry around.
The larger the instrument, typically the more money it is to rent.
If you have any more questions, or want to discuss instrument choice at all, please reach out to Mrs. Dekker as soon as you are able.

Practice Time
We all know it can be an interesting journey listening to a new band member! However, it is imperative they have a routine which includes practicing. It is easy to think how much faster they will progress if they have constant practice verses only practicing once a week, or only in class - that is a lot of re-teaching time for Mrs. Dekker, and it can slow everyone down!

Ready to Sign Up?
Please contact your school to sign up.